APCAT History

1999Board: David Connell (P), Linda Bondy (VP), Anita LaPointe (VP), Suzanne Hoebermann (Sec), Bob Hoebermann (Treas.)
1999APCAT’s first general Association Assembly was on July 23, 1999.  
1999Agenda included voting on proposed By-Laws, Officers & priority order of five projects:
1999Projects: The bridge, water, road maintenance, electric upgrade and telephone service installation.
19992nd Annual Troncones International Art Show, Dec. 27, 1999, in Dewey’s “Palapa Grande.”
1999Nicole Dugal & Anita LaPointe were instrumental in getting land line phone service in Troncones.
199949 APCAT members from June 1, 1999 to Dec. 29, 1999.
19991999 La Conexión unbound: 2 pages, 61 residential phone numbers listed. (Started by Suzanne & Bob Hoebermann)
2000Board: Gerry Comacho (Prez), Bob Hoebermann (VP), Nicole Dugal (VP), Barb Szczudlak (Sec), David Connell (Treas.)
2000January 6, 2000 – Dewey McMillin & Troncones appear in a front page article of the Wall Street Journal.
2000Adopted 3 prong infrastructure project: the bridge, ingress road, delivery of running water to Beach Road homes.
2000The Leap of Faith Bridge was replaced with a small, one-lane bridge designed to withstand the rain.
2000Troncones swapped land owned near Buena Vista (needed for Hwy 200) for help with construction of ingress road.
2000New well was dug, pump, transformer, hill-top storage tank in place, pipe for water to road & over bridge installed.
20002000 La Conexión: 60 copies printed, ad prices $50 US.
2001Board: Bob Hoebermann (Prez), David Connell (VP), John Philbrook (VP), Gail Parsegian (Sec), Richard Kelly (Treas.) 
2001Ingress/entronque roadwork began in early January, finished in February.
2001Tronc. Public Works Committee aka Water Board formed: M. Izazaga (P), Eliceo Sanchez(VP,) Dewey McM (Sec.) Anita (T)
2001Jaguar Tours was launched (by Dewey McMillin & David Connell) offering zip-line, cave and canopy tours.
2001APCAT spent 7,355 pesos on road repairs in 2001.
20012001 La Conexión: price 60 pesos, 80 pages, 75 residential phone numbers listed.
2002Board: John McKay (Prez), David Connell (VP),  John Philbrook (VP), Barb Szczudlak (Secty), Rich Kelly (Treas.)
2002Gen’l Meeting, APCAT members voted to loan “Public Works Committee” 100,000 pesos re water delivery project.
2002By March 7, most of the beach receiving water alternate days, with cooperation re valve opening time restrictions.
2002Board investigating costs of paving Beach Road, cobblestones vs blacktop, bike/walking paths, etc.
2002By early summer complaints arose about the water quality being salty. Other water sources being investigated.
2002APCAT spent 18,080 pesos on road repairs in 2002.
20022002 La Conexión: price 72 pesos, 107 pages, 90 residential phone numbers listed. 165 copies printed.
2003Board: Huey Rodeheaver (P), Mike Bensal (VP), John McKay (VP), Rich Kelly (Tr), Tina Morse (Secty)
2003Security issues discussed included a security building, some beach patrolmen, cost of ATVs.
2003APCAT spent 128,400 pesos on road repairs in 2003.
20032003 La Conexión: price 80 pesos, 108 pages, 96 residential phone numbers listed.
2004Board: Huey Rodeheaver (P), Mike Bensal (VP), John McKay (VP), Rich Kelly (Tr), Tina Morse (Secty)
2004La Union approved our posting of signs prohibiting use of motorcycles, 4-wheel ATVs & jet skis on our beaches.
2004Local parents graciously asked the expats to cancel the grand Posadas. Kids were forgetting their traditions.
2004APCAT spent 107,100 pesos on road repairs in 2004.
20042004 La Conexión. Price 80 pesos, 92 pages,  105 residential phone numbers.
2005Board: Hans Brouwers (Prez), Ernie Mrachek (VP), Susana Casarin (VP), Winn Leva (Secty), Jill Edwards (Treas.)
2005“Erik’s Park.” Funds were being raised and improvements made to create park behind the Church.
2005Water continues to be a huge issue. APCAT agreed to help Ejido fund hiring a hydrologist to look for aquifer.
2005A group of 7 homes/businesses experimented with a wireless broadband, bounced from antenna to antenna.
2005Re security: We experimented with a security system with walkie/talkies, cell phones & cops to man a small “tower.”
2005As of October, 2005 we had 77 members.
2005APCAT paid 72,600 pesos for road repairs in 2005. This included 150 loads of sand & gravel.
20052005 La Conexión. Price 80 pesos, 100 pages, 110 residential phone numbers.
2006Board: Huey Rodeheaver (Prez), Dewey McMillin (VP), Richard Kelly (VP), Anita LaPointe (Sec.), Jill Edwards (Treas)
2006Troncones’ 1st calendar to raise funds for baños, etc. at the Tele-Secundaria. Raised US $10,000. (Jill Edw. & Barb. L.)
2006La Union told us that Troncones Business & Homeowners would no longer have to pay for garbage pick-up.
2006At the beginning of 2006, there were 88 homes on the beach and 4 under construction. Our water needs grow.
2006Members agreed to share estimated cost of $250,000 US for a water system, if outlay did not exceed $3,000 US per lot.
2006Board started steps to acquire permit to drill & get well site land (Gerardo Garcias’s) turned over to Ejido for the well.
2006Efforts to keep the dust down on our Beach Road continued with recurring applications of calcium chloride.
2006APCAT-funded test well proved Troncones aquifer to be a large source of good water.
2006Treas. Jill began collecting US $2000 each from lot owners-cash, checks, wire transfers. $2500 for non-APCAT folks.
2006As of Dec. 31, 2006, we had collected either $2,000 or $2,500 (non APCAT) from 84 lot owners for Water Project.
2006As of October, we had 100 APCAT members.
2006APCAT paid 59,100 pesos for road repairs in 2006.
20062006 La Conexión. 80 pesos, 116 pages, 115 residental phone numbers
2007Board: Huey Rodeheaver (P,) Dewey McMillin (VP), Rich Kelly (VP), Kathie Johnson (Sec.),Tom Redman/Jill Edw./Rich K (Treas.)
2007The Water Project continues. By Dec. 31, 2007 we had collected 2,000 or 2,500 for a total of 141.5 lots participating.
2007Drainage issues: APCAT spent >56,000 pesos for a topo map for drainage and a drainage engineer.
2007APCAT spent 215,000 pesos on road repair. Included 200 truck loads of tepetate & 56,000 pesos for drainage study.
2007La Conexión: Price 80 pesos, 124 pages, 103 residential phone numbers.
2008Board:Richard Kelly (P), Huey Rodeheaver (VP), Mike Price (VP), Linda Rodeheaver (Sec), Chuck Gibbs/Jill Edwards (Tr.)
2008The concept of “Land Gained from the Sea” arose, referring to land between the Zona Federal and lot lines, if any.
2008APCAT spent 108,876 pesos on road repairs in 2008.
20082008 La Conexión. Price 90 pesos, 126 pages, 121 residential phone numbers.
2009Board: Richard Kelly (P), Mike Price (VP), Huey Rodeheaver (VP), Linda Rodeheaver (Sec.), Chuck Gibbs/Jill Edwards (Tr.)
2009“Erik’s Park,” located behind the Church was completed.
2009Gonzalo purchased garbage containers with hinged lids (Mex. City) that members then bought. Many still in use 2019.
2009Rich Kelly acquired 2 AED Defibrilators. They were placed at Mi Casa Su Casa & the Inn at Manzanillo Bay.
2009APCAT spent 272,230 pesos on road repair in 2009.
2009La Conexión, updated from 2008: Price 90 pesos, 128 pages, 117 residential phone numbers.
2009RIP: Anita LaPointe, Dwayne May, Ben Nitzberg
2010Board: Huey Rodeheaver (Prez), Chuck Gibbs (VP ), Paul Israel (VP),  Kim Page (Secty.), Tina Morse (Treasurer)
2010TripAdvisor TravelCast Top Five World Destinations for 2010: Troncones was #1.
2010Donations were collected and the Kiosko honoring the memory of Anita LaPointe is to be built on fairgrounds.
2010APCAT donated 30,000 pesos toward the Expo-Feria Grounds.
2010Construction of Troncones’ rural Medical Clinic was completed in 2010.
2010APCAT donated 35,000 pesos for road to clinic.
2010Figueroa Figueroa Park & Plaza, (Troncones Expo-Feria fairgrounds), ribbon-cutting ceremony Feb. 18th, 2010.
2010Dust control consisted of Calcium Chloride, paid for by individuals and APCAT.
2010APCAT paid 93,383 pesos on road repair plus 17,850 for a drainage fix quote in 2010.
2010La Conexión. 100 pesos, 122 pages, 121 residential phone numbers
2011Board: Rich Kelly (Prez), Chuck Gibbs (VP), Paul Israel (VP), Kim Page (Secty), Tina Morse (Treasurer)
2011The new Troncones medical clinic was opened to the public.
2011A 2011 Troncones calendar was published to help raise money for the Kiosko – Anita LaPointe memorial. (Deb M)
2011APCAT began improvement projects at the elementary school, started with the island in front of main entrance.
2011La Conexión. Price 100 pesos, 120 pages, 134 residential phone numbers.
2012Board: Richard Kelly (P), Dewey McMillin (VP), Chuck Gibbs (VP), Jill Edwards (Secty), Greg King (Treas.)
2012Shrimp Festival – on the beach between Mi Casa Su Casa and Costa Brava.
2012A federal plan to pave 3 kilometers of our Beach Road got underway, starting at the south end.
20121st Annual Group Swim – Majahua Splash – Playa Majahua to Manzanillo Bay. (Swim club, Stenson, CA)
2012APCAT sponsored Painting Party at the Troncones Elementary School in January 2012. Over 80 people turned out.
2012APCAT had telephone poles installed up to Medical Clinic and pays monthly bill for the Clinic’s landline phone.
20122nd Annual Expo Art Fair (El Colectivo Artistas de Troncones)
2012Megacable came to Troncones to pitch their services: wifi, telephone, TV, etc.
2012APCAT built a hand-washing station at the school and improved the bathrooms.
2012Troncones residents built upward of 40 islands along the Beach Road, ahead of promised paving.
2012APCAT built first island at the Elementary School to provide kids a safe exit from the front school gate.
2012APCAT improved the street entry at the school, had pavers made and installed, the drainage fixed, etc.
20123rd Annual Troncones Expo-Feria.
2012Nov.3-5 Beach Road from Delfin to Regalo del Mar was impassable (mud lake) due to heavy rains & road construction.
2012APCAT spent 245,919 pesos on road repairs in 2012.
20122012 La Conexión. Price 100 pesos, 120 pages, 136 residential phone numbers.
2013Board: Dewey McMillin (Prez), Chuck Gibbs (VP), Richard Kelly (VP), Jill Edwards (Secty), Greg King/ Jill E (Treas.)
2013Board members did a Mule Caravan along beach selling 2013 La Conexiónes. We sold 99 in 2.5 hours.
2013On September 15th, Mexico was hit with two storms at once, “Ingrid” on Atlantic, “Manuel” on the Pacific side.
2013Troncones T became a three way stop with APCAT’s installation of custom made street signs.
2013State-funded 2-lane bridge was built over the south lagoon connecting south end of Beach Rd to Playa Tómas.
2013New section of Hwy 200 east of our Pemex opened, including a new entrance to, and exit from highway to Troncones.
20132013 La Conexión. Price 100 pesos, 130 pages, 134 residential phone numbers.
2014Board: Dewey McMillin (Prez), Paul Franz (VP), Lorraine Simpson (VP), Jill Edwards (Secty), Jon Erickson, (Treas)
20141st annual APCAT Sunset Cruise took place on the “Picante” catamaran out of Zihuatanejo Bay with 57 people.
2014A cell tower was erected just off the beach on the property of Doña Nica & Ramiro Nuñez.
2014Our first “Caminata Dominical,” a community walk on the last Sunday of each month. (Nicole Dugal introduced.)
2014On April 18th, we experienced a 7.2 earthquake centered 40km south of Petatlan. Very little damage in Troncones.
2014APCAT sent a petition with 671 names to local, regional, & national heads of TelMex for phone/wifi upgrades, etc.
2014CFE upgraded our electric lines from single phase to three phase from Joya del Mar to South Beach.
2014The 2012 Federal plan to pave 3 kilometers of our beach road was finished in late January, 2014.
2014APCAT gained 25 new members over prior year, enough that we hired a nearly full time Public Works employee.
2014Las Hermanas held their 1st Jewelry Sale, raised 41,000+ pesos for the Cemetery Improvement Project.
20141st Music Festival on the beach to raise money for the Troncones Youth Music Project, 21 musicians performed.
20142014 La Conexión: Price 100 pesos, 130 pages, 128 residential phone numbers.
2014RIP: Kathleen Kelly, Ron Aronberg, Linda Bondy, Jorge Zavala
2015Board: Dewey McMillin (P), Russell Erwin (VP), Lorraine Simpson (VP), Jill Edwards (Sec.), Hans Brouwers/Jill Edwards (Treas)
2015The 2nd Annual APCAT Sunset Cruise took place.
2015Work related to paving the 2 northern kilometers of Beach Road began.
2015APCAT sent TelMex a 2nd letter with many pages of names of people waiting for phone service & internet connections.
2015An inauguration ceremony was held to open the new rock arch entrance to the Troncones Cemetery.
2015The 2015/2016 La Conexión, our first full color edition, was ready for sale and distribution.
2015Troncones Playa Limpia was launched by Leela Francis, Pato & friends. Organic compost, market, recycling etc.
2015November: The 2nd annual Music Festival to benefit the Troncones Youth Music Project (250+ people attended.)
2015Pato of the Azulita Project opened a Wednesday morning Organic Market in Troncones.
2015Dewey smooth talked the President of La Union into subsidizing much of our Public Works employee’s salary.
2015TelMex began adding additional phone ports, internet connections and upgraded the WiFi system. Finally! Yea.
20152015/2016 La Conexión. Price: 150 pesos, 152 pages, 154 residential phone numbers.
2015RIP: Bob Hoeberman.
2016Board: Wendy Page (P), Lorraine Simpson (VP), Russell Erwin (VP), Kim Page (Sec.), Lyn Gilstrap (T)
2016The 3rd Annual APCAT Sunset Cruise on the “Picante” took place on January 15th.
2016The Troncones Mosquito Control Project was launched with 250 ovillanta traps. (Dewey & Jill, w/ Dr.Gerardo Ulibarri’s traps)
2016Megacable has put in utility poles and strung wire from 200 down into Troncones. Awaiting packages & prices.
2016First condos on Manzanillo Bay (The Residencias) were ready for occupancy.
2016Board surveyed members on project priorities. In order: kid’s education, environment, mosquito control & bike trails.
2016The northern 2 kilometers of the Beach Road were paved in 2016 and a poor job it was. Repairs continue in 2019.
2016RIP: Phillip Thau, Nicole Dugal.
2017Board: Dewey McMillin (Prez), Craig Johnson (VP), Taylor Morisette (VP), Jill Edwards (Secty), Sofia Hernandez (Treas.)
20174th Annual APCAT Sunset Cruise January 20, on the “Picante” catamaran.
2017APCAT hired a 2nd Public Works employee to assist in keeping the roadsides cut back and free of litter, etc.
2017APCAT helped create a walking area alongside the ingress road from Troncones proper to Nuevo Troncones.
2017The first of Troncones Bike Trails for mountain bikers and hikers was opened.
2017Troncones Limpia created community composts for residents’ use at Mi Casa Su Casa and across from Las Villas.
2017Families of the Bus Fund kids (Tronco & Majahua, with Las Hermanas, threw a huge Kermes for the Bus Fund Project.
2017The first road up from the Beach Road, between the main ingress road and the soccer field was paved with concrete.
2017The APCAT Board (Sofia & Jill) secured discounts for card-carrying APCAT members at 17 local restaurants.
2017A new condo project broke ground on Punta Majahua at the north end of our Beach Road (Majahua Point.)
20172017/2018 La Conexión. Price 250 pesos, 162 pages, 178 residential phone numbers.
2018Board: Dewey McMillin (P), Gonzalo Rolando (VP), Craig Johnson (VP), Jill Edwards (Secty), Sofia Hernandez (Treas.)
2018Due to water woes our geologist members are assisting Ejido water guys to find a new source of water for new well.
2018APCAT built bathrooms at the fairgrounds, 4 stalls for women, 2 for men, & finished in time for the 2018 Expo-Feria.
2018A new condo project broke ground on the hillside south of Playa Tómas, facing north.
2018New trails have been added to the Troncones Trails Project; one comes out on the Majahua-Lagunillas Road.
2018The 2nd Annual Big Kermes was put on by Bus Fund kids’ families (Troncones & Majahua) & Las Hermanas.
2018Pedro P made 40+ School Bus banks and volunteers painted them. They are “collecting” Bus Fund money all over town.
2018A new well to supplement our existing community well was completed in late 2018.
2018Our municipality has a new president. Dewey got him to agree to continue subsidizing our 2 Public Works guys.
2018RIP: Joan McKay.