1999 | Board: David Connell (P), Linda Bondy (VP), Anita LaPointe (VP), Suzanne Hoebermann (Sec), Bob Hoebermann (Treas.) |
1999 | APCAT’s first general Association Assembly was on July 23, 1999. |
1999 | Agenda included voting on proposed By-Laws, Officers & priority order of five projects: |
1999 | Projects: The bridge, water, road maintenance, electric upgrade and telephone service installation. |
1999 | 2nd Annual Troncones International Art Show, Dec. 27, 1999, in Dewey’s “Palapa Grande.” |
1999 | Nicole Dugal & Anita LaPointe were instrumental in getting land line phone service in Troncones. |
1999 | 49 APCAT members from June 1, 1999 to Dec. 29, 1999. |
1999 | 1999 La Conexión unbound: 2 pages, 61 residential phone numbers listed. (Started by Suzanne & Bob Hoebermann) |
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2000 | Board: Gerry Comacho (Prez), Bob Hoebermann (VP), Nicole Dugal (VP), Barb Szczudlak (Sec), David Connell (Treas.) |
2000 | January 6, 2000 – Dewey McMillin & Troncones appear in a front page article of the Wall Street Journal. |
2000 | Adopted 3 prong infrastructure project: the bridge, ingress road, delivery of running water to Beach Road homes. |
2000 | The Leap of Faith Bridge was replaced with a small, one-lane bridge designed to withstand the rain. |
2000 | Troncones swapped land owned near Buena Vista (needed for Hwy 200) for help with construction of ingress road. |
2000 | New well was dug, pump, transformer, hill-top storage tank in place, pipe for water to road & over bridge installed. |
2000 | 2000 La Conexión: 60 copies printed, ad prices $50 US. |
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2001 | Board: Bob Hoebermann (Prez), David Connell (VP), John Philbrook (VP), Gail Parsegian (Sec), Richard Kelly (Treas.) |
2001 | Ingress/entronque roadwork began in early January, finished in February. |
2001 | Tronc. Public Works Committee aka Water Board formed: M. Izazaga (P), Eliceo Sanchez(VP,) Dewey McM (Sec.) Anita (T) |
2001 | Jaguar Tours was launched (by Dewey McMillin & David Connell) offering zip-line, cave and canopy tours. |
2001 | APCAT spent 7,355 pesos on road repairs in 2001. |
2001 | 2001 La Conexión: price 60 pesos, 80 pages, 75 residential phone numbers listed. |
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2002 | Board: John McKay (Prez), David Connell (VP), John Philbrook (VP), Barb Szczudlak (Secty), Rich Kelly (Treas.) |
2002 | Gen’l Meeting, APCAT members voted to loan “Public Works Committee” 100,000 pesos re water delivery project. |
2002 | By March 7, most of the beach receiving water alternate days, with cooperation re valve opening time restrictions. |
2002 | Board investigating costs of paving Beach Road, cobblestones vs blacktop, bike/walking paths, etc. |
2002 | By early summer complaints arose about the water quality being salty. Other water sources being investigated. |
2002 | APCAT spent 18,080 pesos on road repairs in 2002. |
2002 | 2002 La Conexión: price 72 pesos, 107 pages, 90 residential phone numbers listed. 165 copies printed. |
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2003 | Board: Huey Rodeheaver (P), Mike Bensal (VP), John McKay (VP), Rich Kelly (Tr), Tina Morse (Secty) |
2003 | Security issues discussed included a security building, some beach patrolmen, cost of ATVs. |
2003 | APCAT spent 128,400 pesos on road repairs in 2003. |
2003 | 2003 La Conexión: price 80 pesos, 108 pages, 96 residential phone numbers listed. |
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2004 | Board: Huey Rodeheaver (P), Mike Bensal (VP), John McKay (VP), Rich Kelly (Tr), Tina Morse (Secty) |
2004 | La Union approved our posting of signs prohibiting use of motorcycles, 4-wheel ATVs & jet skis on our beaches. |
2004 | Local parents graciously asked the expats to cancel the grand Posadas. Kids were forgetting their traditions. |
2004 | APCAT spent 107,100 pesos on road repairs in 2004. |
2004 | 2004 La Conexión. Price 80 pesos, 92 pages, 105 residential phone numbers. |
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2005 | Board: Hans Brouwers (Prez), Ernie Mrachek (VP), Susana Casarin (VP), Winn Leva (Secty), Jill Edwards (Treas.) |
2005 | “Erik’s Park.” Funds were being raised and improvements made to create park behind the Church. |
2005 | Water continues to be a huge issue. APCAT agreed to help Ejido fund hiring a hydrologist to look for aquifer. |
2005 | A group of 7 homes/businesses experimented with a wireless broadband, bounced from antenna to antenna. |
2005 | Re security: We experimented with a security system with walkie/talkies, cell phones & cops to man a small “tower.” |
2005 | As of October, 2005 we had 77 members. |
2005 | APCAT paid 72,600 pesos for road repairs in 2005. This included 150 loads of sand & gravel. |
2005 | 2005 La Conexión. Price 80 pesos, 100 pages, 110 residential phone numbers. |
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2006 | Board: Huey Rodeheaver (Prez), Dewey McMillin (VP), Richard Kelly (VP), Anita LaPointe (Sec.), Jill Edwards (Treas) |
2006 | Troncones’ 1st calendar to raise funds for baños, etc. at the Tele-Secundaria. Raised US $10,000. (Jill Edw. & Barb. L.) |
2006 | La Union told us that Troncones Business & Homeowners would no longer have to pay for garbage pick-up. |
2006 | At the beginning of 2006, there were 88 homes on the beach and 4 under construction. Our water needs grow. |
2006 | Members agreed to share estimated cost of $250,000 US for a water system, if outlay did not exceed $3,000 US per lot. |
2006 | Board started steps to acquire permit to drill & get well site land (Gerardo Garcias’s) turned over to Ejido for the well. |
2006 | Efforts to keep the dust down on our Beach Road continued with recurring applications of calcium chloride. |
2006 | APCAT-funded test well proved Troncones aquifer to be a large source of good water. |
2006 | Treas. Jill began collecting US $2000 each from lot owners-cash, checks, wire transfers. $2500 for non-APCAT folks. |
2006 | As of Dec. 31, 2006, we had collected either $2,000 or $2,500 (non APCAT) from 84 lot owners for Water Project. |
2006 | As of October, we had 100 APCAT members. |
2006 | APCAT paid 59,100 pesos for road repairs in 2006. |
2006 | 2006 La Conexión. 80 pesos, 116 pages, 115 residental phone numbers |
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2007 | Board: Huey Rodeheaver (P,) Dewey McMillin (VP), Rich Kelly (VP), Kathie Johnson (Sec.),Tom Redman/Jill Edw./Rich K (Treas.) |
2007 | The Water Project continues. By Dec. 31, 2007 we had collected 2,000 or 2,500 for a total of 141.5 lots participating. |
2007 | Drainage issues: APCAT spent >56,000 pesos for a topo map for drainage and a drainage engineer. |
2007 | APCAT spent 215,000 pesos on road repair. Included 200 truck loads of tepetate & 56,000 pesos for drainage study. |
2007 | La Conexión: Price 80 pesos, 124 pages, 103 residential phone numbers. |
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2008 | Board:Richard Kelly (P), Huey Rodeheaver (VP), Mike Price (VP), Linda Rodeheaver (Sec), Chuck Gibbs/Jill Edwards (Tr.) |
2008 | The concept of “Land Gained from the Sea” arose, referring to land between the Zona Federal and lot lines, if any. |
2008 | APCAT spent 108,876 pesos on road repairs in 2008. |
2008 | 2008 La Conexión. Price 90 pesos, 126 pages, 121 residential phone numbers. |
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2009 | Board: Richard Kelly (P), Mike Price (VP), Huey Rodeheaver (VP), Linda Rodeheaver (Sec.), Chuck Gibbs/Jill Edwards (Tr.) |
2009 | “Erik’s Park,” located behind the Church was completed. |
2009 | Gonzalo purchased garbage containers with hinged lids (Mex. City) that members then bought. Many still in use 2019. |
2009 | Rich Kelly acquired 2 AED Defibrilators. They were placed at Mi Casa Su Casa & the Inn at Manzanillo Bay. |
2009 | APCAT spent 272,230 pesos on road repair in 2009. |
2009 | La Conexión, updated from 2008: Price 90 pesos, 128 pages, 117 residential phone numbers. |
2009 | RIP: Anita LaPointe, Dwayne May, Ben Nitzberg |
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2010 | Board: Huey Rodeheaver (Prez), Chuck Gibbs (VP ), Paul Israel (VP), Kim Page (Secty.), Tina Morse (Treasurer) |
2010 | TripAdvisor TravelCast Top Five World Destinations for 2010: Troncones was #1. |
2010 | Donations were collected and the Kiosko honoring the memory of Anita LaPointe is to be built on fairgrounds. |
2010 | APCAT donated 30,000 pesos toward the Expo-Feria Grounds. |
2010 | Construction of Troncones’ rural Medical Clinic was completed in 2010. |
2010 | APCAT donated 35,000 pesos for road to clinic. |
2010 | Figueroa Figueroa Park & Plaza, (Troncones Expo-Feria fairgrounds), ribbon-cutting ceremony Feb. 18th, 2010. |
2010 | Dust control consisted of Calcium Chloride, paid for by individuals and APCAT. |
2010 | APCAT paid 93,383 pesos on road repair plus 17,850 for a drainage fix quote in 2010. |
2010 | La Conexión. 100 pesos, 122 pages, 121 residential phone numbers |
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2011 | Board: Rich Kelly (Prez), Chuck Gibbs (VP), Paul Israel (VP), Kim Page (Secty), Tina Morse (Treasurer) |
2011 | The new Troncones medical clinic was opened to the public. |
2011 | A 2011 Troncones calendar was published to help raise money for the Kiosko – Anita LaPointe memorial. (Deb M) |
2011 | APCAT began improvement projects at the elementary school, started with the island in front of main entrance. |
2011 | La Conexión. Price 100 pesos, 120 pages, 134 residential phone numbers. |
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2012 | Board: Richard Kelly (P), Dewey McMillin (VP), Chuck Gibbs (VP), Jill Edwards (Secty), Greg King (Treas.) |
2012 | Shrimp Festival – on the beach between Mi Casa Su Casa and Costa Brava. |
2012 | A federal plan to pave 3 kilometers of our Beach Road got underway, starting at the south end. |
2012 | 1st Annual Group Swim – Majahua Splash – Playa Majahua to Manzanillo Bay. (Swim club, Stenson, CA) |
2012 | APCAT sponsored Painting Party at the Troncones Elementary School in January 2012. Over 80 people turned out. |
2012 | APCAT had telephone poles installed up to Medical Clinic and pays monthly bill for the Clinic’s landline phone. |
2012 | 2nd Annual Expo Art Fair (El Colectivo Artistas de Troncones) |
2012 | Megacable came to Troncones to pitch their services: wifi, telephone, TV, etc. |
2012 | APCAT built a hand-washing station at the school and improved the bathrooms. |
2012 | Troncones residents built upward of 40 islands along the Beach Road, ahead of promised paving. |
2012 | APCAT built first island at the Elementary School to provide kids a safe exit from the front school gate. |
2012 | APCAT improved the street entry at the school, had pavers made and installed, the drainage fixed, etc. |
2012 | 3rd Annual Troncones Expo-Feria. |
2012 | Nov.3-5 Beach Road from Delfin to Regalo del Mar was impassable (mud lake) due to heavy rains & road construction. |
2012 | APCAT spent 245,919 pesos on road repairs in 2012. |
2012 | 2012 La Conexión. Price 100 pesos, 120 pages, 136 residential phone numbers. |
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2013 | Board: Dewey McMillin (Prez), Chuck Gibbs (VP), Richard Kelly (VP), Jill Edwards (Secty), Greg King/ Jill E (Treas.) |
2013 | Board members did a Mule Caravan along beach selling 2013 La Conexiónes. We sold 99 in 2.5 hours. |
2013 | On September 15th, Mexico was hit with two storms at once, “Ingrid” on Atlantic, “Manuel” on the Pacific side. |
2013 | Troncones T became a three way stop with APCAT’s installation of custom made street signs. |
2013 | State-funded 2-lane bridge was built over the south lagoon connecting south end of Beach Rd to Playa Tómas. |
2013 | New section of Hwy 200 east of our Pemex opened, including a new entrance to, and exit from highway to Troncones. |
2013 | 2013 La Conexión. Price 100 pesos, 130 pages, 134 residential phone numbers. |
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2014 | Board: Dewey McMillin (Prez), Paul Franz (VP), Lorraine Simpson (VP), Jill Edwards (Secty), Jon Erickson, (Treas) |
2014 | 1st annual APCAT Sunset Cruise took place on the “Picante” catamaran out of Zihuatanejo Bay with 57 people. |
2014 | A cell tower was erected just off the beach on the property of Doña Nica & Ramiro Nuñez. |
2014 | Our first “Caminata Dominical,” a community walk on the last Sunday of each month. (Nicole Dugal introduced.) |
2014 | On April 18th, we experienced a 7.2 earthquake centered 40km south of Petatlan. Very little damage in Troncones. |
2014 | APCAT sent a petition with 671 names to local, regional, & national heads of TelMex for phone/wifi upgrades, etc. |
2014 | CFE upgraded our electric lines from single phase to three phase from Joya del Mar to South Beach. |
2014 | The 2012 Federal plan to pave 3 kilometers of our beach road was finished in late January, 2014. |
2014 | APCAT gained 25 new members over prior year, enough that we hired a nearly full time Public Works employee. |
2014 | Las Hermanas held their 1st Jewelry Sale, raised 41,000+ pesos for the Cemetery Improvement Project. |
2014 | 1st Music Festival on the beach to raise money for the Troncones Youth Music Project, 21 musicians performed. |
2014 | 2014 La Conexión: Price 100 pesos, 130 pages, 128 residential phone numbers. |
2014 | RIP: Kathleen Kelly, Ron Aronberg, Linda Bondy, Jorge Zavala |
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2015 | Board: Dewey McMillin (P), Russell Erwin (VP), Lorraine Simpson (VP), Jill Edwards (Sec.), Hans Brouwers/Jill Edwards (Treas) |
2015 | The 2nd Annual APCAT Sunset Cruise took place. |
2015 | Work related to paving the 2 northern kilometers of Beach Road began. |
2015 | APCAT sent TelMex a 2nd letter with many pages of names of people waiting for phone service & internet connections. |
2015 | An inauguration ceremony was held to open the new rock arch entrance to the Troncones Cemetery. |
2015 | The 2015/2016 La Conexión, our first full color edition, was ready for sale and distribution. |
2015 | Troncones Playa Limpia was launched by Leela Francis, Pato & friends. Organic compost, market, recycling etc. |
2015 | November: The 2nd annual Music Festival to benefit the Troncones Youth Music Project (250+ people attended.) |
2015 | Pato of the Azulita Project opened a Wednesday morning Organic Market in Troncones. |
2015 | Dewey smooth talked the President of La Union into subsidizing much of our Public Works employee’s salary. |
2015 | TelMex began adding additional phone ports, internet connections and upgraded the WiFi system. Finally! Yea. |
2015 | 2015/2016 La Conexión. Price: 150 pesos, 152 pages, 154 residential phone numbers. |
2015 | RIP: Bob Hoeberman. |
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2016 | Board: Wendy Page (P), Lorraine Simpson (VP), Russell Erwin (VP), Kim Page (Sec.), Lyn Gilstrap (T) |
2016 | The 3rd Annual APCAT Sunset Cruise on the “Picante” took place on January 15th. |
2016 | The Troncones Mosquito Control Project was launched with 250 ovillanta traps. (Dewey & Jill, w/ Dr.Gerardo Ulibarri’s traps) |
2016 | Megacable has put in utility poles and strung wire from 200 down into Troncones. Awaiting packages & prices. |
2016 | First condos on Manzanillo Bay (The Residencias) were ready for occupancy. |
2016 | Board surveyed members on project priorities. In order: kid’s education, environment, mosquito control & bike trails. |
2016 | The northern 2 kilometers of the Beach Road were paved in 2016 and a poor job it was. Repairs continue in 2019. |
2016 | RIP: Phillip Thau, Nicole Dugal. |
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2017 | Board: Dewey McMillin (Prez), Craig Johnson (VP), Taylor Morisette (VP), Jill Edwards (Secty), Sofia Hernandez (Treas.) |
2017 | 4th Annual APCAT Sunset Cruise January 20, on the “Picante” catamaran. |
2017 | APCAT hired a 2nd Public Works employee to assist in keeping the roadsides cut back and free of litter, etc. |
2017 | APCAT helped create a walking area alongside the ingress road from Troncones proper to Nuevo Troncones. |
2017 | The first of Troncones Bike Trails for mountain bikers and hikers was opened. |
2017 | Troncones Limpia created community composts for residents’ use at Mi Casa Su Casa and across from Las Villas. |
2017 | Families of the Bus Fund kids (Tronco & Majahua, with Las Hermanas, threw a huge Kermes for the Bus Fund Project. |
2017 | The first road up from the Beach Road, between the main ingress road and the soccer field was paved with concrete. |
2017 | The APCAT Board (Sofia & Jill) secured discounts for card-carrying APCAT members at 17 local restaurants. |
2017 | A new condo project broke ground on Punta Majahua at the north end of our Beach Road (Majahua Point.) |
2017 | 2017/2018 La Conexión. Price 250 pesos, 162 pages, 178 residential phone numbers. |
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2018 | Board: Dewey McMillin (P), Gonzalo Rolando (VP), Craig Johnson (VP), Jill Edwards (Secty), Sofia Hernandez (Treas.) |
2018 | Due to water woes our geologist members are assisting Ejido water guys to find a new source of water for new well. |
2018 | APCAT built bathrooms at the fairgrounds, 4 stalls for women, 2 for men, & finished in time for the 2018 Expo-Feria. |
2018 | A new condo project broke ground on the hillside south of Playa Tómas, facing north. |
2018 | New trails have been added to the Troncones Trails Project; one comes out on the Majahua-Lagunillas Road. |
2018 | The 2nd Annual Big Kermes was put on by Bus Fund kids’ families (Troncones & Majahua) & Las Hermanas. |
2018 | Pedro P made 40+ School Bus banks and volunteers painted them. They are “collecting” Bus Fund money all over town. |
2018 | A new well to supplement our existing community well was completed in late 2018. |
2018 | Our municipality has a new president. Dewey got him to agree to continue subsidizing our 2 Public Works guys. |
2018 | RIP: Joan McKay. |